2nd EFPP 4 Section conference in Warsaw

A Different Word? Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Relatedness in Stormy Times

27-29 September 2024

Dear EFPP Delegates,
We are pleased to announce the 2nd EFPP 4 Section conference in Warsaw September 27-29 2024 (onsite)

A Different Word? Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Relatedness in Stormy Times

After many years of two section conferences we look forward to the first 4 section conference since Berlin in 2015. We feel this is the right time to come together as the four EFPP sections to exchange ideas and knowledge about Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in our stormy times.
On behalf of the Scientific and Organising Committees, the Local organising Committee and in collaboration with the EFPP Board, we send this letter and invitation for your active participation in the upcoming EFPP Conference, to be held from September 27 to 29, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland.
To stay informed about the event, including updates, new content, and news, we encourage you to visit our official conference website at https://efpp-conference2024.com/ and join our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093806427298.

Uri Levin & Michael Stasch – Co-chairs of the 2024 Conference
Maria Eugenia Cid – President of the EFPP