Archeologie mysli


Autor George Frankl


Sociální dějiny nevědomí – 1. část

The author is a practising psychoanalyst who has lectured on psychoanalysis and philosophy, as well as on prehistoric cultures and architectural psychology. While engaged in this work, he has been concerned with the social neurosis and determined to find an explanation for the compulsions which drive nations to pursue irrational and often self-destructive goals. He asserts that the most important achievement of psychoanalysis will emerge in its application to social pathologies. This text presents volumes 1 and 2 of “The Social History of the Unconscious” as a single volume. Volume 1: “Archaeology of the Mind” applies the techniques of psychoanalysis to recent archaeological findings in order to trace the psychological development of humanity. His method seeks to provide an understanding of how the mind originated, how our earliest ancestors became toolmakers, and how cultures developed. He shows the conflict between matriarchy and patriarchy, and the nature of patriarchal paranoia – the fatal disease which was and continues to be the source of warfare. The second volume, “Civilisation: Utopia and Tragedy” explores in particular the history of Western civilization. By applying psychoanalytic concepts to the examination of the unconscious driving forces which have produced the great ideas of monotheism, Greek philosophy, democracy and scientific reasoning, Frankl provides insights into the conflicts of civilization and its failures to fulfil aspirations. He argues that it is of particular importance at this time to understand the deep-seated conflicts of Western civilization, as it is exporting its ideas of freedom and democracy – and above all, technology – to the rest of the world while still plagued with self-doubt. Is what the West exports viable, or does it threaten to envelop the planet with machines which enhance humanity’s aggressive and self-destructive urges? With its world-wide influence, the West has assumed responsibility for humanity everywhere and for the survival of the planet. Frankl argues that to fulfil those responsibilities, the West must first understand the causes of failure in order to resolve them.


1. Nemocná civilizace
2. Mysl a realita

kapitola 1
Matriarchát a patriarchát
1. Je oidipský komplex základem všech kultur?
2. Bitva mezi matriarchátem a patriarchátem

kapitola 2
Původ kultury
1. Teorie externalizace
2. Prehistorie a nevědomí: archeologie mysli

kapitola 3
1. Odchod z lesa
2. Před milionem let
3. Lovci a stavitelé domova
4. Prvotní společenství
5. Člověk neandertálský: uctívání předků a počátky totemismu

kapitola 4
Vynořuje se Homo sapiens
1. Neandertálská katastrofa
2. Matriarchát: původní kultura Homo sapiens
3. Odkud se vzal Homo sapiens?
4. Vývoj mozku u Homo sapiens
5. Symbolizace a mýtus
6. Kult bohyně matky
7. Umění jeskynních chrámů
8. Krize matriarchátu: z bohyně se stává čarodějnice

kapitola 5
1. Revolta proti matriarchátu a počátky zemědělství
2. Muži se učí vládnout matce zemi
3. Města a opevnění: kult moci a majetku
4. Božství králů
5. Kultura oidipského komplexu: patriarchální paranoia
6. Sup a býk
7. Prehistorické civilizace v Evropě

kapitola 6
Bozi, králové a říše: Mezopotámie a Egypt
1. Počátky sumerských království
2. Egypt: uctívání nesmrtelnosti
3. Kult duše

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